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Therapy For Anxiety

Therapy can be an effective route for those suffering from an anxiety disorder. A therapist can provide tools to help you cope with anxiety on a day-to-day basis and ideally will be able to address the underlying cause of anxiety.  

While it’s possible to heal completely through therapy, some people may continue to deal with anxiety throughout their life. However, proper therapy, healthy coping mechanisms, and/or medication can greatly improve a person’s quality of life and help to first reduce symptoms and then manage any that persist.

Because anxiety is experienced differently by different people, therapy for anxiety must always be customized to the individual. 

TICTI therapists always individualize their therapeutic approach based on your specific symptoms, history, and situation. 

Click here to connect with one of our experienced and compassionate therapists and begin to get relief from anxiety today.

When is therapy for anxiety necessary?

Experiencing occasional anxiety is part of life. However, when anxiety interferes with day-to-day life, an anxiety disorder may be present, and therapy can help.

Common symptoms of anxiety include: 

  • Feeling nervous, restless, or uneasy
  • Feeling panic, fear, or a sense of impending doom 
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased heart rate of heart palpitations
  • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation) 
  • Sweating
  • Unable to concentrate 
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) problems 

Depression, irritability, and/or anger may also be present in some cases.

If you find yourself experiencing any of the above symptoms on a recurring basis, or if these symptoms are disrupting your daily life, seek the help of a professional. If you suspect you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder, TICTI’s trained clinicians can help.

Types of anxiety disorders include the following: 

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) involves ongoing worry or dread that disrupts daily life.

  • Panic disorder is present when you’ve had multiple panic attacks (the experience of overwhelming fear when real danger is often not present). This disorder is also characterized by worry about when/where you may have another panic attack.

  • Social anxiety disorder (SAD) causes fear and anxiety surrounding everyday interactions with others. Another term for this is “social phobia” – a severe type of shyness.

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) manifests as ongoing obsessions (or recurring intrusive thoughts) that cause distress—and subsequent repetitive compulsions or behaviors to reduce anxiety connected with these obsessive thoughts.  

  • Phobias are disorders where there is an intense, persistent fear about a situation or object. The three types include social phobia (fear of being judged or embarrassed), agoraphobia (extreme fear of being in a location where escape feels impossible), or specific phobias (fear of something specific/unlinked to a situation, such as spiders or needles).

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs when an individual has experienced or witnessed one or more distressing events or circumstances. PTSD causes ongoing symptoms, such as avoiding situations, intrusive memories, anger, anxiety, etc., even years after the event(s).

Getting therapy for your anxiety can be a life-changing route to help you lead a more normal, peaceful life. 

Start your anxiety therapy with TICTI

Anxiety therapy can reduce symptoms and, in some cases, can uncover and heal the root cause of your anxiety. 

Anxiety is caused by an interaction between temperament/personality, experiences that taught you to be anxious, and distressing life situations. TICTI specializes in research-supported, trauma-informed treatment. To the extent that your anxiety may have been caused by experiences, TICTI may be a fit for you to begin your healing process. 

Our research-supported treatment model is individualized and may include: 

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) – EMDR involves concentrating on aspects of the upsetting memory while following the therapist’s moving finger with your eyes; this is repeated until the memory is no longer distressing. EMDR has been found to be the most efficient of the well-established trauma resolution methods. 

  • PC (Progressive Counting) – PC, developed by our founder, Dr. Ricky Greenwald, involves watching a “movie” of the upsetting memory in your mind, while the therapist counts aloud. In all three comparison studies, PC was found to be as effective, efficient, and well-tolerated as EMDR. 

  • Flash – The Flash technique is a relatively new method that enables clients to resolve traumatic memories while focusing on positive imagery. Preliminary research has found Flash to be non-distressing, safe, rapid, and effective.

Anxiety does not have to permanently disrupt your life. You can get relief from constant feelings of worry, fear, and panic. To begin treating your anxiety, inquire about therapy for anxiety today.

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Where to Next?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. Where would you like to go next?