Trauma Therapy Innovations
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Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy
Description: This program will outline the potential benefits and pitfalls of intensive trauma-focused therapy, review the research, and explain, in detail, how to do it. The focus is not on a specific intervention such as EMDR or PC, and no modifications of those treatment protocols are proposed. Rather, the focus is on how to sequence the various types of interventions that are normally done over the course of trauma-informed treatment, how to manage certain types of clinical issues, and how to manage the business aspect.
- video-tape of a live workshop on intensive trauma-focused therapy
- research report on intensive trauma-focused therapy outcomes
- telephone screening/intake script for prospective intensive trauma-focused therapy clients
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
- name the five main advantages or benefits of intensive trauma-focused therapy.
- name the two main pitfalls or challenges associated with intensive trauma-focused
- therapy.describe the state of the research on intensive trauma-focused therapy.
- implement the set of procedures required to provide intensive trauma-focused therapy to clients.
The Flash Technique
Description: Flash is a recently developed technique that involves having the client at least partially resolve a traumatic memory without consciously engaging it. In this workshop, Flash will be taught and practiced, for intended use as a brief intervention to reduce memory-related distress so that clients will be more willing and able to face and process the memory using standard trauma resolution procedures such as EMDR or PC.
Who should participate: This training is open to mental health professionals who are already trained in EMDR or PC.
- video-tape of a live workshop on intensive trauma-focused therapy
- session videos
- research report on the Flash technique
- two blog posts/comment sections discussing Flash and how it works
- scripts for standard (EMDR-based) Flash and PC-based Flash
- describe the three essential steps required for memory reconsolidation.
- describe the state of the research on Flash.
- implement Flash with a client.
Trauma Therapy Innovations:
Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy & the Flash Technique
3 CEs, 3 EMDRIA CEs (pending)
Do You Still Have Questions?
The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. If you would like more information about our therapies, please contact our team.