EMDR Certification Package

What are the benefits of EMDR Certification?

  • Those looking for a therapist, or to make a referral, may prefer therapists who are EMDR-trained and certified.
  • Certification may increase the likelihood of you getting onto a closed insurance panel, having a professional proposal accepted, or being offered a job.

What does it take?

Summary of requirements to become Certified in EMDR, as per the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA):

  • Licensed, registered, or certified for independent practice in a mental health profession
  • Completion of an EMDRIA-approved EMDR Therapy training program
  • Completion of 50+ therapy sessions in which EMDR was used, with at least 25 clients
  • Completion of 20+ hours of EMDR consultation (after completion of the initial training), 10 of which must be individual consultation
  • Endorsement by an EMDR Consultant

Who is eligible to participate in this program?

Anyone who has already completed an EMDRIA-approved EMDR Therapy training program. “Completion” means that you have completed the entire training, including all parts as well as the required consultation hours, and have a certificate of completion from your training provider. You will be asked to provide this documentation so we can confirm your eligibility.

Why do this as a package?

The benefits of pursuing your EMDR Certification via this package include:

  • Convenience — You don’t have to shop around for the various required components.
  • Quality — Trauma Institute is internationally known for top quality training and consultation.
  • Cost — You save quite a bit over the same services if purchased individually.

Why do this with TICTI?

Many therapists who get trained in EMDR don’t end up using it much. We teach a highly structured trauma-informed treatment approach, and our trainees tend to use EMDR frequently and effectively. Our approach supports your ability to perform an EMDR session properly, and guide a client to be ready, willing, and able to do EMDR.

What is the certification procedure?

  1. To be eligible to work towards certification, you have to first complete an EMDRIA-accredited EMDR Therapy training — including the required 10 consultation hours.
  2. Complete the CE portion of the program, to get up to speed on our trauma-informed treatment approach. (Exception: If you already learned either EMDR or PC from us, or if you previously completed one of these programs, you don’t have to do this first.)
  3. Note that when you pursue certification with us, you’ll be working with our entire trauma-informed treatment approach — encompassing all of EMDR Therapy — not just the trauma resolution (phases 3-7) EMDR session.
  4. Schedule your consultation sessions, do lots of EMDR with your clients, and bring session videos to the consultation. We conduct most of our consultation via HIPAA-compliant web-based video-conference, so you’ll need to be able to play the videos from your computer.
  5. You’ll be showing videos of several aspects of treatment including client preparation (case formulation, treatment planning) as well as EMDR for trauma resolution. Your consultant will provide feedback on what you’re doing well and where you still have work to do.
  6. Once you’ve completed the required CEs and consultation sessions, you can request documentation as well as the consultant’s endorsement. Then submit your application to EMDRIA!

Will I definitely be certified after I do all this?

That depends on you. We can provide the services, but it’s up to you to use EMDR with your clients, show session videos in consultation, and (if applicable) be responsive to the consultant’s feedback. You will receive feedback on each video you show, so you will always have a good idea of how close you are to earning the consultant’s endorsement. Our consultants do not require perfection, but will want to see a reasonable level of competence.

We anticipate that most participants will be able to obtain certification after completing this package of activities. However, if a given participant progresses more slowly, they may choose to purchase additional consultation until they are able to earn the consultant’s endorsement.

The Certification Package includes:

  • 10 hours of individual consultation
  • 12+ hours of group consultation
  • 12+ EMDRIA CE credits and professional CEs for training programs

Note: You will be responsible for your own application fee to EMDRIA for EMDR Certification.  Please note that currently all our consultants are in Eastern time zone, and generally schedule between 9AM and 5PM Eastern time. Also note that we currently do not have any consultants who are fluent in languages other than English.

You may take any one of the following to complete your EMDRIA CE requirement. You will also receive the associated professional CEs upon request, at no additional charge.



If you have already been trained by TICTI (in EMDR or PC) — or if you have previously completed one of the listed distance learning programs — you have additional CE options:


(Note that the CE offerings may change from time to time.)

EMDR Certification Package

Includes all required individual & group consultation, as well as programs for 12+ EMDRIA CE credits (and associated professional CEs)
