Together We Can:
- heal more children suffering from domestic violence
- heal more veterans suffering from PTSD
- heal more adults suffering from the effects of a violent crime
- heal many others suffering from any number of different traumas
- train more therapists, which in turn means true healing will reach more of those who need it
- do more research, to continue to improve trauma therapy
Help people get their lives back, and possibly even save some lives.
People get hurt. When bad things happen – in the world, in the community, or in the home – people get hurt. The wounds of heart, mind, and spirit can be hidden but long-lasting. For example, trauma-exposed children are at higher risk for becoming depressed, anxious, angry, substance-abusing, criminal, and violent.
We provide the treatment. People travel from all over to engage in the intensive trauma-focused therapy we offer. And we offer free intensive trauma therapy to victims of crime who live in our Western MA region. The grant that funds this free treatment program only covers 75% of costs, so we need to raise the rest from donations. Every day we are helping people to more effectively care for their families, to return to school or work, to achieve their potential, and to regain hope.
We train the healers. Healing is now more possible than ever before, using proven-effective methods that have been developed and refined in recent years. To have the most impact, we teach these methods to those who live and work where the people are — in New England, across the USA, and around the world. Much of this is done low-fee or no-fee, in order to get the skills into the right hands.
We develop the treatment.  Dr. Greenwald, TICTI’s director, has been in the forefront of trauma treatment and training for two decades. Dr. Greenwald is the developer of PC, the Fairy Tale Model, and numerous component interventions. He was one of the pioneers in developing EMDR for children, and his EMDR training model has been emulated internationally. His work has been translated into over a dozen languages, and treatment methods he developed have been widely used. TICTI continues to conduct research on trauma assessment, treatment, and training, to further improve the quality of services to those in need.
Memorial and Honor Giving. A donation to the Trauma Institute is a thoughtful way to honor someone whose life has been impacted by trauma. If your donation is in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, please email us to let us know who you are honoring as well as who and where to send an acknowledgement.
Matching Gifts. Your gift to the Trauma Institute could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. If you work for such a company, please forward the paperwork to us at 285 Prospect Street, Northampton, MA 01060.
Donations by Mail. If you would prefer to donate by mail, please send your check payable to the Trauma Institute and mail it to us at 285 Prospect Street, Northampton, MA 01060.
Questions. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Payson, our Managing Director.
Thank you!
You Can Make a Difference
Gifts of any amount are most welcome.
The Trauma Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and so your donation is tax-deductible.