People Who Care About Children

People Who Care About Children

Last Saturday my 5-year-old daughter saw her friends go by on their way to shul, and she decided to try to catch up to them, before the rest of our

Stabilization or Trauma Work?

Chicken and egg. Someone is unstable due to traumatization. So do you focus on stabilization interventions, which means the client continues to struggle with the trauma? Or do you take

Healing Spoken Here

Perhaps the most frequent theme across posts in this blog is the promotion of psychotherapy for healing – via memory reconsolidation – as opposed to only symptom management, coping skills,

Trauma Survivor Role Models

Maybe there’s no nice way to say this, but I’ll give it a try. First of all, I’m not trying to put anyone down. Someone wants to tell their story,

Get Better Faster! (for real)

Why is therapy for an hour per week? Probably because: You can fit it into a weekly routine. Each session’s work can interact with the client’s life for incremental benefit.

Got Memory Reconsolidation?

Much has been made of the importance of non-specific factors (such as empathy, therapeutic alliance, etc.) to therapy outcome, and rightly so: therapists who use the common factors get better