Document Links

Below are the links to the documents commonly used by clinicians and intake workers.

Alternatively, you may find the forms manually: Office365 → OneDrive → Shared → Shared with me → Clinicians Storage → Filing Cabinet. Each folder has a sub-folder for older forms. Old forms will be dated.

Email Templates

Private Pay


Victim Compensation

Theranest Invitation to Portal and Retreat Confirmation

Screening Scripts 

Private Pay


VOCA Therapist Questions

Victim Compensation

Release of Information

Printable with Signature Line

Fillable PDF to Email

Crisis Numbers:

Consent Links


Retreat Guide

EMDR/PC/Interweave Scripts

New Clinician Handbook

Western MA Weekly Therapist Lists

Clinical Meeting/Clinical Development Notes

Clinical Development Sign-Up

Form Edits Tracker

Clinician Availability Tracker

Do You Still Have Questions?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. If you would like more information about our services, please contact our team.