Understanding the Need for Trauma Therapy
For many people, taking the initial step of searching for a “trauma therapist near me” can be challenging. It takes courage to ask for help, and it can be difficult to identify which providers are the best fit for you.
At TICTI, we are happy to provide guidance to as many people as possible on how to find a good therapist. You may have Googled “trauma therapist near me” and saw us listed in the search results. We may be the right fit for you, or we may not be. We know of too many people who have lost years in therapy without the hoped for results. We want to help to prevent that from happening to you.
A couple of key questions to ask yourself are:
You can find detailed information on how to interview a therapist and gather the information you need in order to make an informed decision here: https://www.ticti.org/find-good-therapist/
As clinicians, we know how much trauma can impact your life, work, or studies. For most people, trauma, stress, or a personal loss has a negative impact on their mental health.
Common Symptoms of Trauma and Stress
Over the years, we’ve seen clients come to us for a variety of symptoms related to trauma or stress, including:
Regardless of what brings you to this page, our team is ready to listen and help you find the best fit for therapy, so that you can become the version of yourself you wish to be.
Experts in Intensive Trauma Therapy
At TICTI we offer intensive trauma-focused therapy. https://www.ticti.org/ This is not the best fit for crisis situations; an hourly therapist who can help you with skill-building and resources would be a better start. This is not to say you cannot do an intensive after some stabilization work. Skill-building and resources will not take the symptoms away, just like medication often does not take the root problem away. Once you have some skills to manage yourself when symptoms come up, you can consider doing an intensive with us. At TICTI, we work on the roots of the trauma; we not only help you understand why you have the symptoms you have, but we also help you heal from them. Looking at the root is trauma-focused therapy. However, before you are ready for trauma-focused therapy, you need to be strong enough to be able to look at the past and process what has happened. Does this resonate with you?
Ready for an intensive? Most of our intensives are five consecutive days from 9:00 – 4:00. Some people will need more than five days; we look at that on a case-by-case basis.
Unfortunately, intensives are not yet covered by insurance; we are working on it, but working with insurance companies is a long process and will likely take several years.
We also understand that missing an week from work or school may seem disruptive. However, our experience shows that the benefit of treatment far outweighs the cost and the time lost at work or school. Many of our past clients who have completed the program report being able to focus better on their work or at school and are happier and healthier in their relationships.
You can find more information on how trauma treatment works here:
If it is not (yet) the right time for you to do an intensive, please see some links below of where to find a trauma-informed hourly therapist:
Finding a Path Past Trauma with TICTI
We hope that searching for a “trauma therapist near me” has given you good answers on how to continue on your path. If you think you are ready for an intensive, please reach out to us at 413-282-7797 or intake@ticti.org.
If you think you can benefit from some hourly therapy first to build up your muscles to process the trauma, we hope we have given you enough guidance and resources to find a decent certified trauma therapist. And remember once you are ready to do the trauma work, an intensive therapy session will get you through it faster and smoother than hourly therapy. For more info about our intensives, visit: https://www.ticti.org/intensive-trauma-therapy/.
For our physical address, please email info@ticti.org or call 413.774.2340.
Trauma Institute
& Child Trauma Institute
285 Prospect Street
Northampton, MA, 01060 USA